Monday, March 29, 2010

A night at the Butte Bars

I've been out to the bars in Butte several times before however, this past Friday gave me a pretty interesting story to share. I went out with our old Butte sports reporter/current Bozeman sports reporter and his replacement who just got into town. We met up with some people at one bar and a few of the Montana Tech and University of Montana football coaches were also there. The old sports guy saw this as a perfect opportunity for them to get to know the new guy so we all migrated over to the coaches table. Well then the coaches decided to leave and go to a local Irish pub. The rest of us followed about 15 minutes behind them. Shortly after arriving at the Irish pub one of the coaches asked me to be his pool partner. I agreed and gave him fair warning that I REALLY REALLY suck at pool. I didn't let him down on this promise either I made one ball in a pocket in 2 games. However, we still won these games. He was pretty much an awesome pool player. Now during these pool games a super drunk middle aged man dressed in all black (including black beanie) kept coming up and talking to me and giving me tips on the pool game. Of course these tips were coming out in slurs. Well this was continuously happening. Whenever it wasn't my turn to try to hit a ball with a stick and make a fool of myself this guy came right over to me whispering drunk talk in my ears. Luckily one of the guys I was with saw this and recognized that I needed saving from the drunkard. He came over put his hand on my back and put his arms around me to try to ward off the guy. This worked and then we both forgot about it and I went back to playing pool and not standing with him anymore. So later the guy comes up slurring at me again so again my friend comes over and tells the drunk guy that he needs to borrow me and puts his arm around me turning me away from the guy. Well then the drunk guy calls my friend an asshole. That just started a huge fight between the two of them yelling at each other with me in the middle holding a pool stick unsure of what to do. I attempted to stop it but was unsuccessful and it was my turn to shoot so i just took my pool stick and left. They were still yelling at each other when the bar closed, which was only a few minutes later. The bartender told everyone it was time to go so we all gather our stuff. As I'm walking out with my guy friend right behind me the drunk guy is being held back by someone as he yells in my face "Don't go home with him! Don't go home with him!" We all walked out of the bar and I'm not sure what happened to this dude but I thought the whole debacle was pretty hilarious. I'm glad the fight was just verbal too and I do appreciate the attempt to keep the creepy drunk guy away from me.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully the poor slob won't remember being such an ass.
