Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I will not complain about MT weather anymore

Ok so I won't complain about it at least for the next 24 hours. I did a lot of complaining in the spring and summer mainly because it was still snowing in May and while all my friends on the east coast were wearing sun dresses and flip flops on the fourth of July I was bundled up in a jacket it was so cold here. And Monday morning when my roommate knocked on my bedroom door to tell me there was snow on the ground I responded with a long, "ewwwwwwwwww." However, that was a minimal amount of snow and by noon it had all melted and there was no sign that it had ever existed. The rest of the day was bright and sunny. Same with yesterday and today is a little overcast but that's ok. It's especially ok because while watching the news this morning I learned there were tornado watches pretty much for the entire eastern seaboard. New Jersey, Delaware, Baltimore, D.C., and Atlanta all reporting tornado watches. (probably more places that I just didn't see flash across the screen.) I saw a live camera shot of Atlanta, and boy did that not look like a pretty day, the sky was green. Then when my boyfriend woke up in Bismarck, North Dakota he so kindly sent me a picture of the scene outside his window. Snow. And a lot more than the sprinkling we had here in Butte the other day. His snow was still coming down hours later along with 30 mph winds and the town had a no driving advisory. Now it is in the high 40's here in Butte today, which is a little chilly but really I just get to wear a brand new sweater and some cute boots. I don't have to hide in my basement from a tornado and my boots don't even have to get wet since there's no snow. So for today I will be happy with the weather I've got. I make no promises for tomorrow though.

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