Sophomore year of College my History of Journalism professor told our class this one day, "Journalism and Alcoholism go hand in hand." I have definitely understood why he would make such a comment several times before. And from April 5th-16th I REALLY believed him. Those were the two weeks that I was producing and anchoring KXLF's 10 p.m. newscast while our regular anchor was out. I was also doing this with just one other reporter working who was brand new so the stress level was high. (Aslan this is not a diss to you, anyone who was brand new it would have been the same situation. You're cool you give me red starbursts) But there was lots of running around, lots of trying to figure out what content to use to fill the show, and lots of stressing to get everything done quicker while also trying to not scream at someone in the control room. So yes, there were several nights after work that I was just thinking I need a beer or some wine. I sadly rarely ever have such things in my apartment tho because I totally feel like an alcoholic buying that stuff just for myself at a store but oh well. I'm sure with more experience I would not feel so stressed and drawn to alcohol. Also, everyone in Butte thank you for your kind comments during those two weeks. It is so appreciated. Now I've had a whole week of back to regular reporting now and the stress level has dropped. Don't get me wrong I would love to be an anchor some day and get more experience with that but I do love reporting and just being able to go out and talk to people all day long for my job. That is the best part to me is just getting outside and getting to know people and what they have to say.
With that said I need to thank Montana weather for being much nicer lately. All this past week It was bright and sunny and warm. I was able to wear short sleeves with no jacket outside. My footwear changed from boots to flats and when not at work flip flops! Greatest thing ever. So thanks Montana Weather for listening and getting nicer. After all it is spring.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
A letter to Montana Weather.

Dear Montana Weather,
We were doing so well. You were kind enough to not dump a lot of snow these past 4 months and you only got super super cold the first week I was here. That I'll forgive since we barely knew each other then. I understand some people thought you were being too dry and the snow pack was too low. But you knew that I didn't care about the snow pack. I'm not a champion skier and forest fires this summer gives me good material for my resume reel so you kindly kept most of the snow away this past winter. However, today you disappointed me. There was a forecast of 6-12 inches of snow Today and you did not disappoint on that. There's no way there's 12 inches out there now but there's a lot probably the 6 and I don't like it. It is April 13th. What are you thinking Montana?? Did you know that you were Headline News' pick this morning for worst weather today? C'mon now step up your game. That is not what I like to hear about the place I live. I also don't like a lot of what I heard today. That this is normal, this is when "we" get this weather, and that it snows in May. MAY?!!!!! I should be wearing sundresses and sweating while outside not wearing a parka and shivering. Montana Weather please please just be nice and have this be the last snow until at least November. That would be very much appreciated. Don't force me to leave you for Florida.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
My mom was carded in Montana

My mom came out to Montana for her first time for about 6 days around Easter. We found out that she is better suited to live here than I am because she thought the weather was fine. Didn't even need a jacket and kept lowering my heat. I on the other hand was constantly freezing and learned to live in sweat pants and sweat shirts in my apartment for that week. Oh well. I didn't have any time off work except for my normal Saturday and Sunday weekend so my mom spend the weekdays cooking and baking. She made many friends at KXLF with the amount of baked goods that went into work with me that week. I also am now stocked in my freezer and in my pantry in case a nuclear war breaks out. This is not me complaining just giving you a visual. I'm actually pretty excited I'll be able to save some money this month since I won't have to go grocery shopping. Anyways I introduced her to the world of Moose Drool beer. Also had her try a sip of fat tire and she herself ordered a blacksmith blondie. There are such fun names here for beer. None of those times were either one of us carded. Now she tells me that when she bought some wine at Three Bears (a costco like grocery store here) the woman asked my mom what her birthday was and told her she couldn't get the wine without it. Haha. We both thought this was funny. I think it's even more humorous because I never get carded here. Drinking is big in the local culture and I'm not sure now if they just don't care of if I'm starting to look really old with these dark circles that are taking shape under my eyes due to lack of sleep.
Anyways......On the weekend we took a scenic drive up to Missoula, MT for some shopping. Easter Sunday was spent with family and watching little kids look for eggs. The picture is of Easter Brunch. It was also a day to tour Butte and get some pictures.
Monday was my mom's last day in Montana and good thing she was there. about 9:10 am I found out I'd be anchoring the 10 p.m. news that night and had no appropriate clothing with me. (Dress code is pretty lax in Mt. I can wear jeans if I want everyday) So had to call up Mommy and have her bring in a suit jacket and shirt. She was nice enough to also go shopping and pick up some a nice necklace and matching earrings to go with the outfit. That was pretty sweet. Except the rest of the week I also anchored the 10 and just had to bring my clothes and jewelry to work with me at 9 am every morning. Oh well I'm a big girl haha.
Tuesday my boyfriend drove the 10 hours from Bismark, North Dakota to hang out with me just for a couple hours after work before I had to go to sleep haha. He then went back to Bismark on Wednesday. It was nice that he was willing to do that since I hadn't seen him since Valentine's Day. But the rest of the week anchoring went pretty well. I think I'm getting more comfortable with it I just need to work on writing more creative transitions between stories. I'll do it all again this week. So I'll probably be exhausted again next Saturday. Oh well. It's worth it. However, if I don't blog all this week that is why.
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