Dear Montana Weather,
We were doing so well. You were kind enough to not dump a lot of snow these past 4 months and you only got super super cold the first week I was here. That I'll forgive since we barely knew each other then. I understand some people thought you were being too dry and the snow pack was too low. But you knew that I didn't care about the snow pack. I'm not a champion skier and forest fires this summer gives me good material for my resume reel so you kindly kept most of the snow away this past winter. However, today you disappointed me. There was a forecast of 6-12 inches of snow Today and you did not disappoint on that. There's no way there's 12 inches out there now but there's a lot probably the 6 and I don't like it. It is April 13th. What are you thinking Montana?? Did you know that you were Headline News' pick this morning for worst weather today? C'mon now step up your game. That is not what I like to hear about the place I live. I also don't like a lot of what I heard today. That this is normal, this is when "we" get this weather, and that it snows in May. MAY?!!!!! I should be wearing sundresses and sweating while outside not wearing a parka and shivering. Montana Weather please please just be nice and have this be the last snow until at least November. That would be very much appreciated. Don't force me to leave you for Florida.
Good luck on that threat/imtimidation idea you have going!!