Hot springs and President Barack Obama's State of the Union Address. Surprisingly they do have a tiny link to each other. But let's start with hot springs. Montana has several of these pools of naturally hot water. Some have been turned into resorts with man made pools and others still occur naturally where you are basically sitting in the dirt and rocks outside somewhere but still in hot water. I'm no expert though. My first hot springs experience wasn't until just a few days ago.
There is a hot springs resort about 15 minutes from Butte (pictured) It has an indoor pool and an outdoor pool, both of which are heated. It also has two smaller soaking pools that are more like hot tub temperatures reaching into the 100 degrees. And of course the massive water slide that you see in the picture. Saturday afternoon I took my first trip ever to a hot springs location with some friends and soaked. Good experience, it's very relaxing. We just stuck to the outdoor pools cause that is the cooler experience. And I can now say I have been outside in a bathing suit when it is below freezing out.
That sounds crazy but I decided to do it a second time just three days later with the boyfriend. This time it was at night so less people were in the pools. But both times were a lot of fun. Well except for the part when you get out of the hot pools and it's freezing outside haha. But still it's definitely something I would do again and would recommend to others.
Now let me connect this to the President. President Obama once stayed at the very hot springs resort that I soaked in two of the past five days. Despite this fact several people in Butte don't seem to know what his State of the Union Address is. I was given the story assignment yesterday to ask people around the city what they were hoping to hear the President say during his State of the Union Address. Sadly when I was asking people if they would talk to me about this about a dozen of them responded with, "what's that?" ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!!! That was the reaction in my head I did not actually voice that. Granted my news director thought we should report that a bunch of people did not know what the State of the Union Address was so that's exactly what we did. I still just think it's crazy.
I guess not knowing what the President's speech is becomes a very accurate metaphore for the state of our union!