Just so you know the weather pattern in Butte this week was snow and an arctic cold front with temperatures well below zero. I'm told this same pattern is supposed to repeat next week. Great. When it's this cold it's understandable to want to just hide out in your bed under a pile of blankets. However, doing that repeatedly would probably just cause depression so instead of that this weeks cold spell allowed me to experience another first in Butte.
There are a ton of local breweries in Montana that make their own micro brews. Way more than I know of back in Pennsylvania. And most places I know of back east that brew their own beer are also full service restaurants. Like Iron Hill Brewery, which is great, I love that place. In Montana I've noticed there are places like this but a lot of them just serve their beer. You go in, pick a beer and a seat, and enjoy. Butte even has it's own brewery called the Quarry. This is embarrassing but I have now lived in this town for over a year and my first trip to the Quarry was not until just a couple days ago. A few friends were there and I actually got out of work before it closed so I was able to go hang with them and take in the atmosphere of the Quarry. It's in what looks like used to be a garage, there's tons of beer glasses hanging on one wall, and the tables are all large wooded tables with massively long wooden benches to go with them. Oh, and there's a popcorn machine so you can have free baskets of popcorn at your table and continue to refill it for no price. The beer was not a first. It is offered in the local bars around town so I have tried it before and it's not bad.
I did buy my first growler though. I don't think I knew what a growler was until I moved to Montana but it's basically a sealed jug of beer that you buy so you can take some of the micro brew home with you. The first time you have to buy the growler but you can keep bringing it back to get it refilled. I think everyone I was with except one person walked out of there with a growler that night.
We decided all that beer would be appropriate for a dinner party we were planning. My roommate and I hosted a potluck dinner. I made buffalo chicken dip for something to munch on prior to the meal but thanks to everyone else chipping in we ended up with a nice spaghetti dinner with a good homemade sauce, salad, and garlic bread. For dessert I made a chocolate trifle and there was also some yummy tiramisu.
It was just a great way to get everyone out from under their covers in this cold weather. Who doesn't like friends, food, and growlers?
And yes, you read this blog correctly. I cooked and baked for this event haha.
Your trifle looks great!!!!!!!!!!