Yesterday my time out of the house started with lunch in a cafe. I sipped my chai tea latte and chatted with friends and admired the artwork for sale hanging on the walls. I had a very good smoked salmon blt for my meal. After lunch we went shopping in several different stores one including a boutique with designer jeans selling for $150 a piece. After the shopping we all got ready, met up with some other friends for drinks, then went to the symphony, then dinner after the show. If you would have told me a year ago that I could have a day like this in Butte I would have laughed at you. Now after 14 months of living here I've learned it is possible. Don't get me wrong I've never hated this town, quite the opposite. The people here are great and there's a lot of awesome history. I guess food, shopping, and arts wise I have viewed it as limited though. Yesterday was a great change from the usual Walmart shopping and just sitting in a bar at night. I don't mind either of those at all it's just nice to mix things up.
Two very big positives from the day of shopping: I got some sweet looking ski goggles that are pictured and I finally found rain boots I like. The goggles are bright purple, which is sweet cause in my black ski pants, jacket, gloves, and hat I'll not have at least one thing that stands out on the hill. It also won't hurt so much to ski while snow is falling from the sky and hitting me in the face and eyes. The rain boots are super exciting because for years I've needed a pair, especially now with my job I never know what kind of environment I'll have to be traipsing through. My problem has always been I want a plain color so it is at least somewhat professional looking since I'll wear them for work. Unfortunately, most rain boots that I find in a plain color are ridiculously ugly and look like a dude should be wearing them or they have an obnoxious pattern on them like rainbow polka dots, dogs and cats, ice cream cones, or whatever. I finally found a cute pair of black ones so that is fantastic.
They symphony was great too. The music was dance songs from around the world. And the very last song was the music from Super Mario Brothers. It was awesome and now I really want to play mario. Anyone in Butte own it? I really love mario kart too so I'll take that. Another song they played was I believe music from North America but it was that song you hear in the "Beef it's whats for dinner" commercials. It also made me think of the movie "Fievel goes West" so must be featured in there as well. That is also another thing I need to re-visit from my childhood. Who wants to have a mario brothers playing, fievel goes west watching party? Also makes me think maybe I should have called this blog "Melanie goes west" hmmmmm. But yes, yesterday was a very non "western" day. At least in what you would think to be stereotypical western, which I'm learning that's now how you should view the west.
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