Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Controlling a teleprompter with your foot

Today I had to control my own teleprompter with my foot. There is a foot pedal under the anchor desk that you simply push down on like your driving and it makes the teleprompter move. Our anchor does this every night for the news cast but I have never had to do this. I had what should have been a blue wall shot tonight but they couldn't get that to work in the control room so I had to instead stand behind the desk. We pulled the teleprompter pedal out from underneath the desk and set it in front of me. I then read 3 stories while controlling my own teleprompter. I'm pretty sure I probably had no personality on camera because I was way too worried about pressing on the pedal too much and having the teleprompter speed up and at some points I was just going sooo slow to prevent that. When I do a normal blue wall someone sits at the anchor desk and works the pedal for me. One of the guys will joke with me that he's going to do Nascar aka press all the way down on the pedal making the words on the teleprompter fly by so fast you have no idea what's going on. Anyways just had to share because it was a new experience. Also, I hate liars. I've been trying to get something for Joey as part of his xmas present (we are celebrating late when he's here) And every store has been sold out and just tells me to keep calling to see if they have received any more. Well finally today when I called one of the stores the girl on the phone told me yes they had just got a bunch in. I was so excited, I was going to get it just in time. Well I went to the store and looked around and didn't see what I was looking for so finally I asked someone working there and he told me no they didn't have any. I relayed the phone conversation I had just had with another worker there to him and his response was "Nooo sorry about that" Awesome. Dear chick who answered the phone, why did you lie to me?

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