Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Today I stood on a highway with my camera

Yes, the title is correct. I did a story on Holiday travel today for the 5:30 news. I went to the local airport and talked to people there and of course got video but people also drive to wherever they are going for Christmas so had to get that part of the story too. I talked to highway patrol and had to get some video to support the story of cars...on the highway. So me and my camera had a fun time standing there video taping everyone as they drove by. It was fun. My favorite part was when I was on an overpass to I could get shots above the highway and a man came by with his dog. Yes he was walking his dog on the overpass and the dog had no leash. They don't believe in leashes here, at least I don't think they do. I have yet to see a dog on a leash. I also have yet to see a majority of the dogs walking around with an obvious owner near them. Today when I was in the airport I was filming some friendly travelers in line and suddenly this little dog walks towards me, past me, and around the corner. No clue where it was going or where it came from but I did not see a person following it ever. Cute dog though.
on to food...I've had a lot of free food this week. I guess because it is the Holidays lots of guys (who work at KXLF) wives have been baking or making various food items. So they bring them into the station and offer me some. I had povitica, which is you read my previous blog is the thing people told me to try that I couldn't remember what it was. It's like a nut roll with some Eastern European influence. It was very good. I've also had cookies, breads, muffins, homemade caramels. And....I finally tried a pasty! I've been hearing so much about them in Butte. I actually liked it, crazy since it contains beef but whatever seasoning is in those things is good and the pastry part is also very good.
OHH interesting thing I learned today while working....when you fly for the holidays don't wrap your gifts before hand. You may just have to unwrap them at the airport for them to be screened at security. Another interesting tidbit I learned at work....Montana does not do DUI checkpoints. I was asking a Highway Patrol captain what they'll be doing this weekend for drivers on the road for the holidays and he talked about not drinking while driving so i naturally asked if they would have DUI Checkpoints. Boy was I quickly reminded I'm the new girl when he told me "we don't do those" he also said they get in trouble for doing those but in the summer they have safety checkpoints. I don't know. Also, Butte does not have an open container law. Yep, you can walk the streets with an open can of beer or whatever or so I've been told I have yet to see this.
Anyways tomorrow is Christmas Eve, I'll be working woo. Happy Holidays everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are enjoying the local foods...these pasty things sound really interesting. Nut roll is on the top ten best ever pastry list. We, your mom, aunts & uncles, grew up with these around the holidays. I have the "old country" recipe that I make faithfully, each year. The folks who receive them as gifts become instant fans. It is not a known morsel here in the deep south.
    Uncle Charlie & I will have a quiet day at home tomorrow since the get together w/ the sons & their families is Sunday. It is comforting to your parents that your cousin is so welcoming to you in your new home town. We are all glad you will be with family on Christmas.
    Oh, yeah, my tech unsavvy self figured out twitter...every day I get more like Nana. SCARY!!
    Love you,
    Aunt Marie
