Today I went skiing for the third time in my life. It was easier if I was staying on little hills. I went with my 2 and 4 year old cousins so I was awesome on that bunny hill with them. Even the slightly bigger hill that has a lift I was having a good time on. Then I attempted some real runs. Oh man. I still need some work. I went down a couple runs with my cousins neighbor who is probably in her 50's. She's an awesome skier too and was nice enough to go down some greens with me and help me out and give me some tips. She still kicked my butt though. I was fine on the runs until we came to the part when it was just steep downhill skiing. Then I got scared. I survived and made it down with only a few falls today but seriously someone needs to teach me how to slow down on those steep hills. My pizza was not working very well to accomplish that. It works fine on the not so steep hills but otherwise falling was my best option to slow down haha. But I consider a day where I did not run into a tree a good day. But yes under my waterproof pants and sweater whenever I go skiing I wear long underwear. You know to stay warm. And I was so tired from getting up at 7:30 am to go skiing that as soon as I got back I stripped off the waterproof pants and sweater and took a nap in my long underwear. I'm also still wearing them because I'm that lazy. I ate my dinner just in my long underwear too. I'm going to try to make this a new fashion trend because let me tell you this is sexy. Ok maybe not. But maybe next year someone can wear some long underwear to the grammys because I haven't seen any so far.
Speaking of the grammys (horrible transition I know) what are they doing??? All I can figure is that whoever is in charge of this show now is a much younger person than in recent years. Jamie Foxx performing "blame it on the alcohol"? What? I'm sorry did I switch over to the the MTV music video awards? Then slash came out and seriously I wouldn't have been surprised if Snooki made an appearance during that performance. Now onto the Michael Jackson remembrance performance. I'm cool with MJ and the music was good all the artists singing were good and I have no problem with the idea of this. However, I do have a problem with the whole needing 3D glasses to watch it thing. I don't just have a spare pair of those lying around Grammy organizer people. I don't even know where you buy 3D glasses I thought you just got them at imax theaters or something. And since I did not have any 3D glasses I just thought I was having an acid trip while watching that performance. (For the record I have never taken acid, this is just what I imagine it would be like) I also have a problem with the fact that this show is taped and airing at different times across the country. Don't they know since this has already aired on the east coast all I have to do is go online and find a list of winners? Also, when you are in a long distance relationship it makes it very difficult when you 2 aren't seeing the same things at the same time because you can't make fun of it as easily.
Anyways, I had my first hair appointment in Montana on Saturday. My hair looks good so I'm happy with it. My hair dresser was also really nice. However, she was telling me that here in Butte instead of spring showers (rain) they get spring snow showers. Great. So basically it snows here in April. And right now it is very powdery snow but apparently in April it's the wet snow like back East gets. But she also added that by the end of the day it normally all melts to it doesn't stick around but it does snow in April. Soooo if anyone would like to donate to the "Melanie needs a beach vacation fund" that I'll probably need in April or May please feel free. Just kidding, but I now have some research to do for a story I'm working on tomorrow so I should stop procrastinating and get to work. Have a good Monday! or try to at least I know it's about the worst day of the week.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Montana is Super Nice
This is going to be all about how nice people in Montana are. Seriously everywhere I go with my camera and tripod someone asks me if I need help carrying them. People are also super friendly whenever you meet them in person or if you just call them on the phone. They ask you how you are and engage you in some conversation totally unrelated to the reason you called. They always sound so happy on the phone too. I love it. When I first met our other reporter here who is from Philly he told me he has become a 10 times nicer person just by living here. I now believe it. I think I will become a 10 times nicer person as well. Even though I considered myself a nice person to begin with I'll probably become a super nice person who is always happy. Hopefully I don't annoy myself.
The dogs are even super friendly. Today when I got to the site of a story 3 dogs came right up to me. No barking or bearing teeth just walked up wagging their tails, let me pet them, and sniffed my camera bag. The owner joked and told me they were the welcoming crew. Well no joke it kind of made my day. Too bad I can't afford a dog or don't have the time of day to hang out with one because they are awesome when they are all nice to you and just wag their tails at you. Being in Montana has even made me want a bigger dog. I always thought I'd get a little dog when I actually could have one. In my mind I can't handle all the slobber that comes with big dogs but there are so many cool big dogs out here in Montana I could be re-thinking this.
Anyways, back to people. I have been offered a lot of random baked goods while at work. People bring them in and offer them to me I love it. In December it was happening a lot and I just assumed it was because of the holidays. Nope. Just yesterday one guy brought in brownies that his wife had made and shared them with everyone. Before that one day I was working late on a story and when I was finished with it I was given a cookie. So nice. And my mom will probably be happy to know that even when I'm a million miles away from her constant baking I'm still getting baked goods. I've also been offered Pizza a lot. I've covered a lot of meetings and events here and most of them have Pizza for the participants. However, I'm also told to grab some Pizza as well. So I am being fed, may not be the healthiest food but who cares people are super nice here.
The dogs are even super friendly. Today when I got to the site of a story 3 dogs came right up to me. No barking or bearing teeth just walked up wagging their tails, let me pet them, and sniffed my camera bag. The owner joked and told me they were the welcoming crew. Well no joke it kind of made my day. Too bad I can't afford a dog or don't have the time of day to hang out with one because they are awesome when they are all nice to you and just wag their tails at you. Being in Montana has even made me want a bigger dog. I always thought I'd get a little dog when I actually could have one. In my mind I can't handle all the slobber that comes with big dogs but there are so many cool big dogs out here in Montana I could be re-thinking this.
Anyways, back to people. I have been offered a lot of random baked goods while at work. People bring them in and offer them to me I love it. In December it was happening a lot and I just assumed it was because of the holidays. Nope. Just yesterday one guy brought in brownies that his wife had made and shared them with everyone. Before that one day I was working late on a story and when I was finished with it I was given a cookie. So nice. And my mom will probably be happy to know that even when I'm a million miles away from her constant baking I'm still getting baked goods. I've also been offered Pizza a lot. I've covered a lot of meetings and events here and most of them have Pizza for the participants. However, I'm also told to grab some Pizza as well. So I am being fed, may not be the healthiest food but who cares people are super nice here.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Falling on camera
This past sunday KXLF's sports reporter and myself drove 2 hours into the pioneer mountains to visit Maverick Mountain ski area. We were there to do a story in which I learned how to ski. This is one of several ski areas across the state of Montana that is currently offering a "learn to ski in 3" promotion. Hence why we went there for the story. This means for one price you get 3 days of lessons, rentals and lift tickets. So anyways we got there and everyone was of course super nice because we are in Montana. I actually found out that the owner of the place also graduated from the University of Maryland when I was talking to him. They let us first ride up the chair lift all the way to the top without ski's so we could just get some good video of the views. And it was gorgeous up there. Just wasn't one of the clearest days ever but it was still really pretty. All the way at the top it's only black diamonds so didn't ski that at all and had to ride the chair lift back down. We were the only one's doing that because honestly everyone else just ski's down. All the skiers going up said hi to us though and waved at the camera.
Once I did get some ski's on it was interesting. Learned the basics and did the bunny hill. I then rode up some rope lift thing. That was probably the most difficult part of the day. I really just didn't understand it at all and was having a horrible time being pulled up hill by hanging on to a rope. Then I rode up the chair lift half way and attempted a green run called easy street. Of course when I got to the top of the chair lift I got off the chair started to ski down away and fell. Don't worry Shane (sports reporter) got it all on camera. Now my first time skiing was only a couple of weeks ago and I didn't even try a run then it was just learning on the bunny hill and some hill that was larger than the bunny hill and fun to ski down but was a straight shot with no trees and was not an actual named run. This time I did a run. It was a good distance but it was more difficult. There were places it turned and that I was scared if I picked up too much speed I wouldn't be able to turn in time and would go flying off the mountain. At those moments I fell on purpose to avoid death or injury. And yes of course those falls were caught on camera. I love embarrassing myself on camera. Not really but trust me I will for this story. Even just watching how I am skiing I look ridiculous. I have the poles going everywhere and I never move my ski's out of the wedge or "pizza" formation. I was too scared of going to fast. Now the pizza is when you put your ski's together in the shape of a wedge or triangle or pizza slice with the tips almost touching each other. This is how you slow yourself down and it's also your brakes. When you have your ski's straight it's called french fry. So I was told I never french fry. Maybe if I go again I'll be brave enough to french fry more often. But yes this whole glorious adventure was caught on camera and I'm currently turning it into a 2 part story that will air during sweeps (which is February) I'll also be sure to post it on youtube along with my other videos that are currently there. I have uploaded some pictures from the ski place on to my twitter and facebook if you want to check that out.
Anyways I'm going to go get ready to cover a story at 7:30 so I'll be getting home around 9:30 or 10 tonight and promptly going to bed since I have to wake up at 6 a.m. to cover another story early tomorrow morning. Yay.
Once I did get some ski's on it was interesting. Learned the basics and did the bunny hill. I then rode up some rope lift thing. That was probably the most difficult part of the day. I really just didn't understand it at all and was having a horrible time being pulled up hill by hanging on to a rope. Then I rode up the chair lift half way and attempted a green run called easy street. Of course when I got to the top of the chair lift I got off the chair started to ski down away and fell. Don't worry Shane (sports reporter) got it all on camera. Now my first time skiing was only a couple of weeks ago and I didn't even try a run then it was just learning on the bunny hill and some hill that was larger than the bunny hill and fun to ski down but was a straight shot with no trees and was not an actual named run. This time I did a run. It was a good distance but it was more difficult. There were places it turned and that I was scared if I picked up too much speed I wouldn't be able to turn in time and would go flying off the mountain. At those moments I fell on purpose to avoid death or injury. And yes of course those falls were caught on camera. I love embarrassing myself on camera. Not really but trust me I will for this story. Even just watching how I am skiing I look ridiculous. I have the poles going everywhere and I never move my ski's out of the wedge or "pizza" formation. I was too scared of going to fast. Now the pizza is when you put your ski's together in the shape of a wedge or triangle or pizza slice with the tips almost touching each other. This is how you slow yourself down and it's also your brakes. When you have your ski's straight it's called french fry. So I was told I never french fry. Maybe if I go again I'll be brave enough to french fry more often. But yes this whole glorious adventure was caught on camera and I'm currently turning it into a 2 part story that will air during sweeps (which is February) I'll also be sure to post it on youtube along with my other videos that are currently there. I have uploaded some pictures from the ski place on to my twitter and facebook if you want to check that out.
Anyways I'm going to go get ready to cover a story at 7:30 so I'll be getting home around 9:30 or 10 tonight and promptly going to bed since I have to wake up at 6 a.m. to cover another story early tomorrow morning. Yay.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Have a ball at the Testicle Festival
First off to explain my video from yesterday, he is the coach of the Montana Tech football team. He talks in a yell all the time and often speaks using similes. In case you missed the video here you go.
Now on to other things. Today we were talking in the newsroom and the woman who anchors the noon show "Montana Spotlight" came into the newsroom to tell Shane (sports reporter) and myself about the Virginia City winter fest that will include some broom ball. Basically hockey with brooms. I jokingly asked Shane if he wanted to go and then he asked me if I wanted to go to the Testicle Festival. 2 seconds later I learned this is a real event held in Clinton, MT every September. Basically it's a 5 day event in which people eat a bunch of bulls balls. Over 2 tons of balls are fed to the festival attendees. There's also a wet t-shirt contest for girls, hairy chest contest for men, and bullshit bingo. Bullshit bingo is when someone is awarded $100 for correctly guessing where a cow will umm have a bowel movement. Oh and if you get thirsty while enjoying your balls or trying to guess where a cow will poopy, Big Sky Brewery (here in Montana) makes a beer especially for the festival : Bull Snort Brew. So needless to say I will be attending this event in September maybe not to eat balls but I will need a shirt that says "I had a ball at the Testicle Festival" because really how can you pass up that opportunity. If anyone would like to come visit in September and join me at the Testicle Festival feel free. Here's some more info and a video on the event.
Now on to other things. Today we were talking in the newsroom and the woman who anchors the noon show "Montana Spotlight" came into the newsroom to tell Shane (sports reporter) and myself about the Virginia City winter fest that will include some broom ball. Basically hockey with brooms. I jokingly asked Shane if he wanted to go and then he asked me if I wanted to go to the Testicle Festival. 2 seconds later I learned this is a real event held in Clinton, MT every September. Basically it's a 5 day event in which people eat a bunch of bulls balls. Over 2 tons of balls are fed to the festival attendees. There's also a wet t-shirt contest for girls, hairy chest contest for men, and bullshit bingo. Bullshit bingo is when someone is awarded $100 for correctly guessing where a cow will umm have a bowel movement. Oh and if you get thirsty while enjoying your balls or trying to guess where a cow will poopy, Big Sky Brewery (here in Montana) makes a beer especially for the festival : Bull Snort Brew. So needless to say I will be attending this event in September maybe not to eat balls but I will need a shirt that says "I had a ball at the Testicle Festival" because really how can you pass up that opportunity. If anyone would like to come visit in September and join me at the Testicle Festival feel free. Here's some more info and a video on the event.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Walmart is my BFF
I just worked a 12.5 hour day of work so I thought this would be a good time to tell you how this past weekend was. Friday night I went out with some peeps. Started out at Metals which is a sports bar and grill. We later were making the 2 block walk down hill to the Silver Dollar when we passed Pekin. This is a chinese restaurant in town. I had never been in it but had heard stories that it used to be a brothel and all the booths in it had their own curtains for privacy. Since we were walking passed it I decided to ask the people I was with if they had ever been in it and if there really were curtains for every booth. This led to the brilliant decision that we should to into this restuarant at whatever late time of night it was. Well it was an experience. The whole restaurant is upstairs and there are just a bunch of rooms off one hallway that all have curtains. When you draw back the curtain and enter the room there are no boths but there are table and chairs. (not the highest quality either) And wow is that place painted orange, I mean everywhere. So you sit in there with your privacy and then you hear the cart coming by and suddenly your waitress pulls back the curtain delivers what is on the cart pulls the curtain closed then leaves. Very interesting experience. Once we finished there we continued the walk to the Silver Dollar and actually made it there this time. This bar had a ring toss game where you can toss a makeshift ring at all the bottles of alcohol and whatever the ring lands around you take a shot of. If you chose to play in a group then all the liquor that everyone picks with their individual tosses goes into a shot. This bar also had something I think I can safely say I've never seen in another bar....a dog. A large dog at that who was running around trying to get people to play with him or her. (not sure the sex of said dog) I did pet the dog but I wasn't about to chase it around a bar and hardcore play with it.
The next day I decided to relax and run errands. Well joke was on me because when I got out to my car I noticed that my rear drivers side tire was super flat. Awesome. I've never had a flat tire and since I just became a real person a month ago I had to call my dad to figure out what the heck to do. He assured me I did not have enough muscles to change it myself. Damn. So then I had to call someone to come change it for me. After this task was completed I drove on my spare to Walmart's tire center and had that great place repair my tire and put it back on for me and put the spare back where it belonged. This whole process only cost $10. I love Walmart. However, being trapped in Walmart for almost an hour while your car is getting fixed is not fun. I wandered around pretend decorating and picking out things if I actually had the money to decorate.
Sunday I went back to Walmart because we are bff's. I had to do my grocery shopping and why did I not do this when I was there a day before? Well because I wasn't planning on being there Saturday and I had not made up my list yet of what I needed and didn't have any coupons with me. Random side note, on an episode of Jon and Kate plus 8, Kate gets mad at Jon for buying something without a coupon and freaks out saying they never buy anything without a coupon. I really just don't know how that is possible because there's not coupons for everything that I need. I'm sorry I'm not willing to forgo using soap and shampoo just because I have no coupon for it.
Also, while in line at the grocery store I think I met a meth head. I cannot be 100% sure but if he's not on meth he's on something. (I just say meth because apparently Montana has a meth problem.) He cut in front of the guy behind me and was then standing awkwardly next to me in line. He was shaking and moving around a lot and kept dropping what he was buying. I offered to let him go in front of me. He kept acting strange and told me and the cashier that he was now going to go see his son. At that moment I immediately felt so sad that there was some poor little boy out there that had this as his father. I also realized that I had no idea how you take meth. I was trying to look for track marks on his arms then I was like oh wait I think that is heroin. so do you take meth the same way or do you snort in or what do you do? And seriously whoever takes the time to make meth is super bored.
Check out this video to make your life better:
I'll explain it tomorrow.
The next day I decided to relax and run errands. Well joke was on me because when I got out to my car I noticed that my rear drivers side tire was super flat. Awesome. I've never had a flat tire and since I just became a real person a month ago I had to call my dad to figure out what the heck to do. He assured me I did not have enough muscles to change it myself. Damn. So then I had to call someone to come change it for me. After this task was completed I drove on my spare to Walmart's tire center and had that great place repair my tire and put it back on for me and put the spare back where it belonged. This whole process only cost $10. I love Walmart. However, being trapped in Walmart for almost an hour while your car is getting fixed is not fun. I wandered around pretend decorating and picking out things if I actually had the money to decorate.
Sunday I went back to Walmart because we are bff's. I had to do my grocery shopping and why did I not do this when I was there a day before? Well because I wasn't planning on being there Saturday and I had not made up my list yet of what I needed and didn't have any coupons with me. Random side note, on an episode of Jon and Kate plus 8, Kate gets mad at Jon for buying something without a coupon and freaks out saying they never buy anything without a coupon. I really just don't know how that is possible because there's not coupons for everything that I need. I'm sorry I'm not willing to forgo using soap and shampoo just because I have no coupon for it.
Also, while in line at the grocery store I think I met a meth head. I cannot be 100% sure but if he's not on meth he's on something. (I just say meth because apparently Montana has a meth problem.) He cut in front of the guy behind me and was then standing awkwardly next to me in line. He was shaking and moving around a lot and kept dropping what he was buying. I offered to let him go in front of me. He kept acting strange and told me and the cashier that he was now going to go see his son. At that moment I immediately felt so sad that there was some poor little boy out there that had this as his father. I also realized that I had no idea how you take meth. I was trying to look for track marks on his arms then I was like oh wait I think that is heroin. so do you take meth the same way or do you snort in or what do you do? And seriously whoever takes the time to make meth is super bored.
Check out this video to make your life better:
I'll explain it tomorrow.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Sheep on the road

I forgot one VERY important detail about skiing in my previous blog. When Joey and I were driving to the ski area on Sunday we had come to a stop on a highway because of this herd of big horn sheep. They were there licking the salt off the road and really didn't care about the cars on the road. They were gonna do what they wanted and you just had to stop for them. Well the very next day when I was at work we got word that a guy in a pick up truck failed to stop and killed 8 of these sheep. Since we didn't have any pictures of the actual accident my pictures from the day before were aired. Sadly, the next day we did get pictures of the accident from Fish Wildlife and Parks. Trust me you don't want to see them. I was the lucky person who got to stare at the pictures of bloody, dead sheep and decide which ones to use to make a graphic that would air on the news that night. Anyways, here's another picture of the sheep pre accident.

My boyfriend broke my car
My boyfriend was visiting for the past two weeks and just left a couple days ago hence the no blog posts. Sorry had to show him around Montana when I wasn't working. But anyways starting where I left off, New Years Eve. Joey got here on New Years Eve and had been up since 2 am mountain time in order to catch his flight and get out here and it's surprising how tired work can make a person lol so we had a quiet night in. Made dinner and had some champagne and watched the typical cheesy new years eve programs on tv. We also had some moose drool. That is a local beer here and it's not bad actually. Around Midnight (Mountain time) people started setting off fireworks around here. I however thought it was a cruel joke because anytime I would be at my window looking for them I wouldn't see anything. Then I would go back to the couch and of course then there would be the big bangs of fireworks. I finally did just sit at my window forever and see them.
The next day was my birthday. It was good, very relaxing day. I gave Joey a tour of Butte and we went to dinner and to a casino. It was my first time in a casino and while the casino's here are nothing like Atlantic City or Vegas it was still an experience I had to have. The one we decided to try out only had video poker and keno. I don't even know what keno is but I was hoping for some slots oh well. We did video poker. I don't know how to play poker either so Joey tried to explain it to me. I kinda got it and kinda just found it fun to push buttons on the screen. I did not win any money but I only spent $1 for an hour of playing video poker. Joey spent $3 so I'm obviously the better video poker player. Just kidding. But with this money there's also free drinks and food. Yep, it's all free while your gambling. We didn't find that out til we were leaving tho and tried to pay. Thought it was the best deal ever though. You can spend $1 and technically get some food, drinks, and entertainment for the night.
Later on in the week we also tried some other local beers beside the moose drool. We tried scape goat and fat tire. I thought I would like scape goat because it is a pale ale but it actually wasn't my favorite. Fat tire I do like though and local bars have it on tap so that's nice. We also experimented and made thai food, some green curry chicken with peppers and pineapple. It was pretty tasty except we may have used a little too much curry paste because it was super spicy. But oh well.
One more new thing we tried....skiing. We tried to go on a Saturday but drove right past the Ski place and missed the lesson time. We were driving along the windy mountain roads and saw a small brown ski that said ski area we both looked down the road and didn't see much and we thought that where we were going would have a big sign that said Discovery Ski, since that is the name of the place we were going. Guess we need to get more in a Montana mind set because we were thinking they'd want to advertise themselves and figured that couldn't be it so we kept going for another half hour until I made him call the place and we found out oh yea it is that small brown sign with no name. Awesome. We went back on Sunday and found out Discovery Ski is about a half hour away from the Ski area sign so that's why we didn't see much when looking down the road. But skiing was good I would go again. Once I kinda learned what I was doing it was pretty fun.
Anyways...on to the title of the blog. Joey borrowed my car one day to drive 2.5 hours North to Great Falls, MT for a job interview. When he got back it was almost time for me to be done work so he just came straight to the station to pick me up. After work I got in the drivers seat, started the car and turned to him and asked, "has it been making this noise all day?" He said it hadn't but man my car sounded horrible, nothing like I had ever heard before. The next morning I woke up early and took it to the local Toyota and had to rent a car because Toyota closes before I get done work so I couldn't take advantage of their "we'll take you and pick you up from work" deal. Later in the day Toyota called me to tell me that the o2 detector in my exhaust had broken off. Hence I decided to blame Joey saying he must have run over something. He did borrow my car another day though and it was fine so it could have been a total coincidence, it is an old car. Oh well. There's still a lot more to talk about but this blog is already super long so I'll update again later today or tomorrow about my new car troubles from yesterday.
The next day was my birthday. It was good, very relaxing day. I gave Joey a tour of Butte and we went to dinner and to a casino. It was my first time in a casino and while the casino's here are nothing like Atlantic City or Vegas it was still an experience I had to have. The one we decided to try out only had video poker and keno. I don't even know what keno is but I was hoping for some slots oh well. We did video poker. I don't know how to play poker either so Joey tried to explain it to me. I kinda got it and kinda just found it fun to push buttons on the screen. I did not win any money but I only spent $1 for an hour of playing video poker. Joey spent $3 so I'm obviously the better video poker player. Just kidding. But with this money there's also free drinks and food. Yep, it's all free while your gambling. We didn't find that out til we were leaving tho and tried to pay. Thought it was the best deal ever though. You can spend $1 and technically get some food, drinks, and entertainment for the night.
Later on in the week we also tried some other local beers beside the moose drool. We tried scape goat and fat tire. I thought I would like scape goat because it is a pale ale but it actually wasn't my favorite. Fat tire I do like though and local bars have it on tap so that's nice. We also experimented and made thai food, some green curry chicken with peppers and pineapple. It was pretty tasty except we may have used a little too much curry paste because it was super spicy. But oh well.
One more new thing we tried....skiing. We tried to go on a Saturday but drove right past the Ski place and missed the lesson time. We were driving along the windy mountain roads and saw a small brown ski that said ski area we both looked down the road and didn't see much and we thought that where we were going would have a big sign that said Discovery Ski, since that is the name of the place we were going. Guess we need to get more in a Montana mind set because we were thinking they'd want to advertise themselves and figured that couldn't be it so we kept going for another half hour until I made him call the place and we found out oh yea it is that small brown sign with no name. Awesome. We went back on Sunday and found out Discovery Ski is about a half hour away from the Ski area sign so that's why we didn't see much when looking down the road. But skiing was good I would go again. Once I kinda learned what I was doing it was pretty fun.
Anyways...on to the title of the blog. Joey borrowed my car one day to drive 2.5 hours North to Great Falls, MT for a job interview. When he got back it was almost time for me to be done work so he just came straight to the station to pick me up. After work I got in the drivers seat, started the car and turned to him and asked, "has it been making this noise all day?" He said it hadn't but man my car sounded horrible, nothing like I had ever heard before. The next morning I woke up early and took it to the local Toyota and had to rent a car because Toyota closes before I get done work so I couldn't take advantage of their "we'll take you and pick you up from work" deal. Later in the day Toyota called me to tell me that the o2 detector in my exhaust had broken off. Hence I decided to blame Joey saying he must have run over something. He did borrow my car another day though and it was fine so it could have been a total coincidence, it is an old car. Oh well. There's still a lot more to talk about but this blog is already super long so I'll update again later today or tomorrow about my new car troubles from yesterday.
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