Friday, January 29, 2010

Montana is Super Nice

This is going to be all about how nice people in Montana are. Seriously everywhere I go with my camera and tripod someone asks me if I need help carrying them. People are also super friendly whenever you meet them in person or if you just call them on the phone. They ask you how you are and engage you in some conversation totally unrelated to the reason you called. They always sound so happy on the phone too. I love it. When I first met our other reporter here who is from Philly he told me he has become a 10 times nicer person just by living here. I now believe it. I think I will become a 10 times nicer person as well. Even though I considered myself a nice person to begin with I'll probably become a super nice person who is always happy. Hopefully I don't annoy myself.

The dogs are even super friendly. Today when I got to the site of a story 3 dogs came right up to me. No barking or bearing teeth just walked up wagging their tails, let me pet them, and sniffed my camera bag. The owner joked and told me they were the welcoming crew. Well no joke it kind of made my day. Too bad I can't afford a dog or don't have the time of day to hang out with one because they are awesome when they are all nice to you and just wag their tails at you. Being in Montana has even made me want a bigger dog. I always thought I'd get a little dog when I actually could have one. In my mind I can't handle all the slobber that comes with big dogs but there are so many cool big dogs out here in Montana I could be re-thinking this.

Anyways, back to people. I have been offered a lot of random baked goods while at work. People bring them in and offer them to me I love it. In December it was happening a lot and I just assumed it was because of the holidays. Nope. Just yesterday one guy brought in brownies that his wife had made and shared them with everyone. Before that one day I was working late on a story and when I was finished with it I was given a cookie. So nice. And my mom will probably be happy to know that even when I'm a million miles away from her constant baking I'm still getting baked goods. I've also been offered Pizza a lot. I've covered a lot of meetings and events here and most of them have Pizza for the participants. However, I'm also told to grab some Pizza as well. So I am being fed, may not be the healthiest food but who cares people are super nice here.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are still getting baked goods!!! I will have to make some for you to take in when we visit.
